Thursday, April 10, 2008

This poem was written by JULIA TO OVID.{21}
Written at Twelve Years of Age,
in imitation of Ovid's Epistles. I love it and decide to post it.

Are love and power incapable to meet?
And must they all be wretched who are great?
Enslav'd by titles, and by forms confin'd,
For wretched victims to the state design'd.
What rural maid, that my sad fortune knows,
Would quit her cottage to embrace my woes?
Would be this cursed sacrifice to pow'r,
This wretched daughter of Rome's emperour?
When sick with sighs to absent Ovid given,
I tire with vows the unrelenting Heaven,
Drown'd in my tears, and with my sorrows pale,
What then do all my kindred gods avail?
Let proud Augustus the whole world subdue,
be mine to place all happiness in you;
With nobler pride I can on throes look down,
Can court your love and can despise a crown,--
O Love! thou pleasure never dearly bought!
Whose joys exceed the very lover's thought;
Of that soft passion, when you teach the art,
In gentle sounds it steals into the heart;
With such sweet magic does the soul surprise,
'Tis only taught us better by your eyes.
O Ovid! first of the inspired train,
To Heaven I speak in that enchanting strain,
So sweet a voice can never plead in vain.
Apollo will protect his favourite son,
And all the little Loves unto thy succour run.
The Loves and Muses in thy prayer shall join,
And all their wishes and their vows be thine;
Some god will soften my hard Father's breast,
And work a miracle to make thee blest.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Hard as this is, I even could this bear,
But greater ills than what I feel, I fear.
My fame--my Ovid--both for ever fled,
what greater evil is there left to dread!
Yes, there is one . . . . . . . . . . .
Avert it, Gods, who do my sorrows see!
Avert it, thou, who art a god to me!
When back to Rome your wishing eyes are cast,
And on the lessening towers you gaze your last--
When fancy shall recal unto your view
The pleasures now for ever lost to you,
The shining court, and all the thousand ways
To melt the nights and pass the happy days--
Will you not sigh, and hate the wretched maid,
Whose fatal love your safety has betray'd?
Say that from me your banishment does come,
And curse the eyes that have expell'd you Rome?
Those eyes, which now are weeping for your woes,
The sleep of death shall then for ever close.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

joke about a fat kid

Joke: Fat Kid Successfully Avoids Ridicule by Swimming with Shirt On

If you read what I wrote, the ways in which I discriminate are not discrimination at all. They're just ways in which an overly-sensitive fat person might perceive discrimination. If I made one group of people sit in small seats just to make them uncomfortable, I'd be a nasty person, but I don't do it to make them uncomfortable, I do it because all seats are the same size and they aren't big enough.
When I walk a fat person up the stairs he does more work because he has more weight. When they breathe harder it's because of the weight of their chests.
When I feed a fat person a meal, it's the same meal I give anyone else. The fat person just wants to eat more.
Being fat for most people is a choice. I have great sympathy for those disabled people who cannot do exercise and have weight problems. If I knew any people with genetic disorders that made them fat, I'd have some sympathy for them too. But I'm not going to go out of my way to accommodate something disruptive that's simply a choice someone else has made.
So by following your stupid logic that is the same logic every racist, (a better term would be) sadist uses, someone blind by choice (say five years ago the guy made a stupid mistake) should not be accommodated with the luxuries our technology/civilization can offer to make his life more comfortable.
People should be punished for what you disagree with more consequences than the consequences they are already paying for doing something "Wrong".
Yet I do not get a reason for those consequences other than simple sadism.
Every man carries two bags about with him, one in front and one behind, and both are packed full of faults. The bag in front contains his neighbors' faults, the one behind his own. Hence it is that men do not see their own faults, but never fail to see those of others
This is the point I'm making. The things I've listed are treating a fat person normally, but some people seem to think that I should give them the same end result rather than the same input (e.g. satiety when I give a meal, rather than the same amount of food).
If I must attempt to get the same end result for subjective things, or things affected by other people's subjective choices, then I am being far from fair.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Redemption Song

Tile: Bob Marley - Redemption Song

Old pirates, yes, they rob I; Sold I to the merchant ships, Minutes after they took I from the bottomless pit.
But my hand was made strong …………By the hands of the Almighty. We forward in this generation ……………. Triumphantly. Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom? - 'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our minds.
Have no fear for atomic energy, 'Cause none of them can stop the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look? Ooh!
Some say it's just a part of it: We've got to fulfils de book.

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom? -
'Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.
/Guitar break/
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; none but ourselves can free our mind.
WO! Have no fear for atomic energy, ‘Cause none of them-a can-a stop-a the time.
How long shall they kill our prophets, while we stand aside and look? Yes, some say it's just a part of it: We've got to fulfil de book.
Won't you help to sing……………. The songs of freedom? - 'Cause all I ever had:
Redemption songs -
All I ever had:
Redemption songs:
These songs of freedom,
Songs of freedom.

I heard this music some time last year at my girl friend birthday party; I was so touched by the wordings , and thought about the struggle and suffering the Liberians were going through because of power greed and ambitious. Their so called president Taylor and his loyal rebel soldiers ill treated their fellow citizens as though they were slave, the poor Liberians cry days and nights for freedom, they also hope that one day united nation will come to the aid and rescue them from the hands of devil .( Charles Taylor.)

Most Liberians live in fears and fled their mothers land because they wanted freedom, and wanted to free themselves from mental slavery, some Liberians loose their parents, kids, and all they earn in life. Others live as refugees and suffer a hard cost of living due to the lack of food, cloths, water and illness. Even though most Liberians live in neighboring countries as refugees, most of them were ill treated by the fellow citizen of those countries. Some were rape; man was mad handle and so on. They suffer a lot. As God could have it, and with the help of the united nation most Liberians received help and was also resettle to various European countries and also the united state of America to help them improve their lives from worst to better. Through this process most Liberians got their freedom, and felt what a means to be free again. This music Redemption song, relates to what so ever happen during the Liberia civil war, and the wordings are so touching to me.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Emotional Honesty

Reveal your emotional reactions, both Positive and negative, to the events of your life, particularly to your spouse's behavior.
Some people find it difficult to openly express negative reactions. They may fear that their response will be interpreted as criticism. Or they may feel ashamed of their own reactions, telling themselves they should not feel the way they do. They may want unconditional acceptance from their spouses and consider that their negative reactions prove their own inability to be unconditionally accepting. Whatever the reasons, many spouses try to avoid expressing their negative emotional reactions.

While positive reactions are easier to communicate, many couples have not learned to express these feelings, either. This failure not only misses an important opportunity to accurately communicate basic feelings, but it also misses an opportunity to deposit love units. Whenever your spouse has made you feel good, if you express those feelings clearly and enthusiastically, you'll reward your spouse for having made an appropriate adjustment to you. That, in turn, makes your spouse feel good.

If you want to meet each other's emotional needs, and you want to overcome Love Busters, one essential ingredient is an honest expression of your emotional reactions to each other. What makes a marriage successful is your willingness and ability to accommodate each other's feelings. And without the facts about those feelings, an otherwise happy couple can become very unhappy as the events of life change.

The conditions that existed at the time of your marriage were partly responsible for the love you had for each other. Those conditions made it easy for you to meet each other's emotional needs, and tended to ward off Love Busters. They may have made you feel perfect for each other, because you did not have to do much to make each other happy.

But if you are like most couples, those conditions changed right after your marriage and have continued to change right up to the present. If you have not been able to adjust to those changes, you are probably very disillusioned about your compatibility. What had seemed effortless at first may seem impossible for you now.

But adjustment in marriage is not impossible. In fact, it may be quite a bit easier than you think. Because of the way your brain is put together, you have the ability to make remarkable adjustments to each other throughout life, as your environment changes. But in order to be successful, you must do four things:

First, you must realize that these changes will take place, whether you want them to or not. Many of the circumstances surrounding you cannot be controlled and will be changing constantly.

Second, you must stick to your goal of meeting each other's most important emotional needs, and avoiding Love Busters regardless of the change in conditions. A change can be very distracting, and can cause both of you to lose sight of your primary objectives in life. Don't let these changes cause you to lose sight of each other.

Third, you must be totally committed to making all of your decisions jointly and enthusiastically. Changes in circumstances require new decisions, and each must be made with each other's feelings in mind. Otherwise, the changes will leave one of you in the dust. Don't go on in life unless you are both on board.

And finally, in order to make the best decisions, you must be radically honest with each other about your emotional reactions to the changes in your lives. The best decisions take the emotional reactions of both of you into account simultaneously, but without an honest expression of those reactions, you will be missing the target.

While some couples may fail to make a successful adjustment after feelings are honestly explained, failure is almost guaranteed when the need for adjustment is never communicated. Always take each other's complains seriously. As I mentioned earlier, your emotional reactions are a gauge of whether you are making a good adjustment to each other. If you both feel good, you need no adjustment. If one or both of you feel bad, a change is indicated.

But let me also explain what honesty is not. It is not selfish demands or disrespectful judgments or angry outbursts.

Expressing a feeling is not the same as expressing demands. If you try to tell your spouse what to do, you are not revealing an honest feeling; you are making a demand. If your spouse does something that bothers you, the correct way to express it is simply say that it bothers you. The Policy of Joint Agreement would take over from that point to help you try to resolve the problem.

If you tell your spouse that he or she is wrong about something, you're not being honest, you are being judgmental. While you should be free to express your beliefs and opinions, you should respect your spouse's beliefs and opinions. If you try to "straighten out" your spouse, you are not being honest; you are making a disrespectful judgment. The expression of feeling should not carry judgmental baggage with it.

It goes without saying that angry outbursts are not expressions of honesty, either. When people have them, they often think that they are being honest, but that's their Taker trying to rationalize what is actually cruel and destructive. Whatever it is you have to say when you are angry is not worth saying. Keep that basic principle in mind so that you will keep your mouth shut when you feel angry. When you have recovered from your anger, it's safe to tell your spouse what was bothering you.

Failure to express negative feelings perpetuates the withdrawal of love units. It prevents a resolution to a marital conflict, because the conflict is not expressed. Negative feelings provide evidence that a couple has not yet achieved a successful marital adjustment. More work is needed.

But positive feelings not only offer proof for a successful adjustment, but they also provide a reward to the spouse that has been successful. Don't neglect to tell each other how you feel when you are happy.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The spring break

I am choosing spending my spring break in Blaine medical hospital, in Blaine , Minnesota as volunteer worker. My friends find that to be very stupid of me but I think I like what I am doing.
One of things that encourage me to work voluntarily is, I love helping those in need most especially the sick people. When I got accepted to do this job over the spring break, I was very excited over the fact that I will be the to help some one who really needs help. “It’s a lot better experience and a lot more meaning in my life than the merry making with friends.
The medical center also serves as an eye-opener to my career, because I am a nursing student, and this volunteer job will help give me a broad knowledge on what I am going into for life.
“This is actually my first time working in such facility “I've never done anything like this.” Working in medical center and also joining other nurses in the neighborhoods as part of a Homeless Coalition program called Spring Serves, which is intended to smash stereotypes and educate students.
Nine of us undergraduates interact with some of the 1,400 homeless people in the area, and we also learned more than 400 of them are children. We also learned that
So many people are born into homelessness, “through a workshop held by the Homeless Coalition. “It's not a decision they necessarily make.”
We the students also work at soup kitchen on Tuesday, and serve more than 150 people that day, and they said the experience would change them. One of the students (Janet) said “It’s been extremely humbling, you know, leaving your home, friends and having really good time in the morning by helping needed people. She feels really comfortable about that. I had fun doing this job also; I met a lot of new friends and got an opportunity to work with other students when ever I am on a brake, what a nice thing to do. I am so excited about that.
Wow, wow fun is over, getting ready for school on Monday, this is the hardest part, because I have a lot of assignment to do, this dose not sound like fun anymore fun is over.hope other students had fun as I did, and getting into trouble .life is so sweet to mess around with.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The creation of man

I don’t really understand what this movie is acutely about, but I think man is trying to figure out how God created human. .due to these ideas that runs through our mind, scientist have carried out researches that give no clued about the creation of humans. The are certain thing that mortal man won’t understand about God.
It is interesting that we frequently hear that man was created in God's image, but we never really stop and think about what that means. I'd like to explore that here. I think that we as human have put ourselves in a false dilemma by only allowing two limited interpretations of man being created in the image of God. Actually, this is much more complex but, because as human beings we are so close to the answer, we tend to overlook some of the other aspects of our unique creation.
We know we are created in God's image because the Bible tells us so in Genesis 1:27 where we read, "And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Now, this event happened before the fall of man, but we know that we are still in some sense created in the image of God because 1 Corinthians 11:7 reaffirms this fact. Also Genesis 9:6 imposes the death penalty because of the fact that man is made in the image of God. This would argue that the idea of being created in God's image still applies to us today.
The words "image" and "likeness" used in Genesis 1:26-27 express the idea of the whole man being created in this way. In some sense, both a man's material and immaterial aspects are included in this assessment. Now, we know that strictly speaking man's physical body is not patterned after the physical appearance of God. We are taught in John 4 that God is Spirit and does not reside in a physical body. However, this does not preclude the physical body being some part of the image of God. We exist currently as body and soul together. It is meaningless to talk of us a just a soul or just a body when we are alive on earth. Both are intricately intertwined to make you the person you are.
The body reflects God's image by first of all being one in substance. God as a trinity is one being, acting with as much unity as our soul acts with our body. Our bodies are living, and Paul emphasizes that we serve a living God, not one of gold or silver or stone (Act17:29). In fact he says that those idols cannot be God because it would take a living being to create us as living beings. This is a highly rational argument, and difficult to find objectionable.
Paul's ability to appeal to reason demonstrates another way that man is made in the image of God. God by His nature is a rational being. He operates by the laws of logic. He is not constrained by them because they are some kind of "higher force", but they are the natural outflow of His will; they are His nature. He is as much a rational being as He is a loving being. Because only man has the true capacity for rational thinking, he is in this way also made in God's image. Also, man is intelligent; aware of his surroundings and capable of changing them. He does not act on instinct, but should be able to control his natural drives for higher purposes.
God has given man free will, which likewise reflects God's image. Every man has the ability to choose for himself his actions. He is morally aware. Man understands that certain things are good and certain things are evil. Before the fall, Adam and Eve had no experiential knowledge of good and evil, but they most certainly understood that they should obey God's commands. If this were not so, God warning them about punishment if they disobeyed Him would have no meaning to them, and the fall could be viewed as entrapment on God's part. Adam most certainly did understand that disobeying the will of God was wrong, and there could be dire consequences to his actions. Although we now must struggle against our evil nature to obey God, we still have moral understanding and comprehension of good and evil.
Lastly, one of the ways the image of God manifests itself in man is that only man can be aware of God and is capable of fellowshipping with Him. This part of man was exercised freely in the Garden before the fall. All men still are able to comprehend God's existence, but none are able to fellowship with Him unless they have been born again in Christ. Obviously, the universality of religion shows that awareness of God and some need for a relationship with Him is common to man.
Your question has the implication that those people who have mental or physical deficiencies are somehow not created in the image of God. I find that this is not true. Because some of the aspects we associate with God's image may not be operating properly, it doesn't mean the person is devoid of God's image. Rather, it shows that the image is somehow skewed or distorted. I liken this to an analogy of a car being made in a certain likeness (such as the body style of a corvette). When it is wrecked, the damage does not nullify the idea of being formed in that likeness, but shows the image as defective and in need of repair. Every person who is aware, no matter how slight his mental faculties, lives by some ethic, some moral code, and some decision-making processes. This re-emphasizes importance of our Redeemer's work in the lives of men, for only He can create a heart in man that is not distorted and seeks His will. Scientist need to understand that God!!! Is God. He is the Alpha and omega.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Community and school

A community school is both a set of partnerships and a place where services, supports and opportunities lead to improved student learning, stronger families and healthier communities. Using public schools as a hub, inventive, enduring relationships among educators, families, community volunteers, business, health and social service agencies, youth development organizations, and others committed to children are changing the educational landscape - permanently - by transforming traditional schools into partnerships for excellence.

There is a role for all members of a community to play in making community schools a reality. School superintendents, principals, local elected officials, public and private human services agencies, youth development organizations, community organizations and community development groups, business, and civic and religious organizations all can bring leadership and resources to bear’s hope you will be excited by what's happening in these growing experiments and find some way to encourage similar efforts where you live. Why? Because now more than ever, they just make sense. and students, businesspeople, neighbors, and family members come to support and bolster what schools are working hard to accomplish - ensuring young people's academic, interpersonal and career success. Their presence turns schools into places that crackle with the excitement of doing, experiencing and discovering unknown talents and strengths. Community schools open up new channels for learning and self expression. Students come early and stay late - because they want to.Ideally, a full-time community school coordinator oversees the delivery of an array of supports provided by local agency partners and participates on the management team for the school. To achieve their desired results, most community schools over time consciously link activities in the following areas: quality education; positive youth development; family support; family and community engagement in decision-making; and community development.

The school is oriented toward the community, encouraging student learning through community service and service learning. A before- and after-school learning component allows students to build on their classroom experiences, expand their horizons, contribute to their communities and have fun. A family support center helps families with child-rearing, employment, housing and other services. Medical, dental and mental health services are readily accessible.Artists, lawyers, psychologists, college faculty

Sunday, February 24, 2008

what is love?

It is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love. But no one can give the proper definition of love. To some “Love is friendship set on fire” for others “Maybe love is like luck. You have to go all the way to find it”. No matter how you define it or feel it, love is the eternal truth in the history of mankind.
Love is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud. It rejoices over the evil and is the truth seeker.
Love protects; preserves and hopes for the positive aspect of life. Always stand steadfast in love, not fall into it. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true. Love can occur between two or more individuals. It bonds them and connects them in a unified link of trust, intimacy and interdependence. It enhances the relationship and comforts the soul. Love should be experienced and not just felt. The depth of love can not be measured. Look at the relationship between a mother and a child. The mother loves the child unconditionally and it can not be measured at all.
A different dimension can be attained between any relationships with the magic of love. Love can be created. You just need to focus on the goodness of the other person. If this can be done easily, then you can also love easily. And remember we all have some positive aspect in us, no matter how bad our deeds maybe. And as God said “Love all”
Depending on context, love can be of different varieties. Romantic love is a deep, intense and unending. It shared on a very intimate and interpersonal and sexual relationship. The term Platonic love, familial love and religious love are also matter of great affection. It is more of desire, preference and feelings. The meaning of love will change with each different relationship and depends more on its concept of depth, versatility, and complexity. But at times the very existence of love is questioned. Some say it is false and meaningless. It says that it never exist, because there has been many instances of hatred and brutality in relationships. The history of our world has witnessed many such events. There has been hatred between brothers, parents and children, sibling rivalry and spouses have failed each other. Friends have betrayed each other; the son has killed his parents for the throne, the count is endless. Even the modern generation is also facing with such dilemmas everyday. But “love” is not responsible for that. It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy.
In the past religion have done many speculations on the phenomenon of love. But love has always ruled, in music, poetry, and paintings. Religion has also done lot of dissection to the essence of love, just like what biology, has also done to it.
Psychology portrays love as a cognitive phenomenon with a social cause. It is said to have three components in the book of psychology: Intimacy, Commitment, and Passion. Also, in an ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. And this view has been accepted and advocated by both philosophers and scholars.
Love also includes compatibility. But it is more journeys to the unknown when the concept of compatibility comes into picture. Maybe the person whom we see in front of us, may be least compatible than the person who is miles away. We might talk to each other and portray that we love each other, but practically we do not end up into any relationship.
Also in compatibility, the key is to think about the long term successful relationship, not a short journey. We need to understand each other and must always remember that no body is perfect.
Be together, share your joy and sorrow, understand each other, provide space to each other, but always be there for each others need. And surely love will blossom to strengthen your relationship with your matter of affection.

television habit

Television habit

Television can cause you a lot, Any time we spend our time doing something (or nothing) there is an opportunity cost. As ZUNDGOLFE demonstrates, it is not difficult to think of places we spend our time where we could be making money instead. As IMLISSY points out, there is value in these actions and to consider the opportunity cost without also consider the value of these actions is pointless, at best. The math is a bit fishy, too. It assumes you watch commercials. It adds in gaming, which is a separate thing altogether. It absurdly uses the full minimum wage as the opportunity cost, which requires the unrealistic assumption that you can work basically non-stop. It doesn't give any points for thriftiness (my entertainment center cost me a lot.
But worst of all, it doesn't consider the costs of working rather than watching TV. You'll have more stress especially since you're not watching TV to relax! meaning greater medical bills. You'll probably have to wand with your problems that surround your daily life which will probably cost you money somehow or some ways.
The funny part is when it is all said and done you sit thinking about the time you wasted watching movies other than doing some important. Television is good I suppose but not as good as you will think all of the time. Even though it helps get your mind of things at time, it also helps destroy you by keeping you in bed or on the carts all day. Now in this ways you are wasting time, on unnecessary things.
Television also has it possible side also. It helps you know and understand things that happen in the world and also in the country we live in. for example the are some educative programs that most parents will like for their children to watch, some of these programs may be to catch the predictor on NBC with Chris Hanson, I am one of those people who watch that program on a regular basics. I some times forget that I have to study when that program is on, all I do is pop some corn, get a glass of juice and have fun watching television. what a bad habit to develop as a young lady. Another television station that has serious impact on me is the life time movies network.” life time network has a lot of beautiful movies, that is educating and helps woman to be very careful in making certain decisions and choices in their daily activities and life. It also relaxes your mind after a hard day of work and helps your get some bed rest with ease. Life time is the watch most of the times by ladies, it is the choice of most ladies.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Net work is an interesting movie; it was made 30 years ago and perfectly describes the situations and issued surrounding the televisions, news, and media today. I felt bad over the fact and idea that Howard had die,due to the fact that he could not performed his madness correctly to keep U.B.S station in the money making business. In this movie Howard is describe as the mad prophet of the air ways, even though he’s describes as the mad prophet, I describe him as a mad dog of the of the airways in this movie, because he did perform some of the mad things by making television viewers to put their heads out the window and shout I’ am not going to take this anymore!!!!!!! .another mad ass thing he did was to go on national television and say he was going to kill his self because he could not live with out broadcasting. I also think he treated his self like a bitch; if he had listened to his friend (Max) earlier he would not find his self in such situation. All Howard wanted was to be seen on national television, and also continue be part of networking business, he did not understand he was sick, old, and needed medical attention. He allow Diana to used him as a bitch and obtain her goals. All Diana thought of was being at the top of the networking business, she was not capable enough to create a simple intimacy between she and her partner, she was one of those ladies who make love like a chicken and climax like a duck, what a bitch and the half she is. Even though she was a bitch, Max still love her and decided leave his family and be with her, so bad he had to leave his family for such a pushing bitch, he did realize her disgusting attitude and decided to go home and be with his depressed red headed wife .that was so nice of him, what a nice way of saying good bye to nonsense life. I think I like that one, that was cool though.

Monday, February 18, 2008

My favorite movies channel is the life time movies net work

The life time movies channel is an American television devoted to movies, sitcoms and drama. All of which are either geared toward women or feature women in lead roles. The network is owned by The Walt Disney Company and Hearst Corporation.

Lifetime was established as the result of a merger of Hearst's Daytime network, established in March 1982 as a four hour per day service with women's programming and Viacom's Cable Health Network, established in June 1982 as a 24-hour service that carried health and wellness programming.

I personally felt in love with the life time movies network when I saw this one movie “when Andrew came home,” this is all about separated parents and their kids how the kids do respond to the separation of their parents.
In this movie Andrew mom and dad separated and his mom felt in love with some guy when he was a kid. His dad normally picks him up during the week-ends to spend some time with him. But as days went by, Andrew dad thought of a new idea, the idea was to take Andrew away from his mom and run away with him to another country. His planed did work out, he ran away with Andrew when he pick him up on that week end and ran away with him. He took little Andrew and did not sent him to school, all he did was to beat on him, and sexually abuse him all the days of his life. As he grew up, all he knew was to be somber kid and never had a mind as kids because of what he went through with his dad. After some years of ill-treatment with his dad, his dad decided to call his mom on an unknown and ask her to pick her son up from the bus station. When she got at the station she never made Andrew up because of his bad looks she sobs bitterly and took him for medical attention.
When Andrew got home he was down hearted, and blame his mom for what ever occurrences in his life, he said his mom could have went the extra miles to find him other than letting him go through what he went through with his dad. His moms plead with him and ask him to forgive her. When I saw this movie, I felt so hurt and sorry that tears ran off my eyes. It is because of this movie that I find comfort in life time movies network. Life time network serve as a guide and adviser for because most of the movies show on life time network help ladies to be smart in what ever decision they are take or planning on taking. This network also helps release me from stress and tension in my daily activity and helps me to relax well.
The best time I find pleasure watching this station is at night, when I am done with my school work and need my mind to relaxed or get my self from thinking on unnecessary things .
life time network is always about situations that woman goes through with man ,it helps you be very careful with man and how to deal with situation that come your ways and try to break you down.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Topic: Relationship between parents, kids, and caregiver.

Relationship is a connection between two or more people or things. It is also the state of being related to something else. In developing an idea of a valuable caring relationship between children, parents, and caregivers we need to distinguish
Each other as a particular not interchangeable person and it requires reciprocity. This does not mean that children need to be able to articulate their interests, or that they need to be self-reflectively aware of their parents' interests or personhood. Instead, parents and children manifest their understanding of one another as unique, irreplaceable individuals, with identifiable needs and interests through their interactions with one another.
In developing an account of valuable caring relationships between children and parents in this essay, I thought of ideas of care or love broadly conceived .thinking about care or love in friendship. I do not focus only on what children need and their parents should give. Instead, I aim to understand what makes relationships between children and parents ethically valuable. Suggests that care ethics might be thought or add to the moral terrain by "treating relationships as having normative content.
To give an account of caring relationships between children and their caregivers, we need to distinguish among caring about, taking care of, care giving, care receiving, and being in a caring relationship. We can care about people, ideas, and things, without assuming responsibility for them, entering into a relationship with them, or providing care for them although we may doubt the legitimacy of the caring if opportunities to do these things consistently arise without being acted upon. Both taking care of and caring for assume some responsibility for the parental care.
I have distinguished between taking care of and care giving in that taking care of "involves assuming responsibility for what you care about but may involve delegating the tasks involved in care giving to another." Care giving is more personal than taking care of someone need be. In doing it, "the caregiver must be ready to revise her care giving strategy according to moment-by-moment or day-by-day conditions". We frequently conceive of care giving as involving physical care, but it could be direct and intimate without primarily meeting the cared for children's basic physical needs.
A caring relationship requires both parties to be aware of each other as a particular not interchangeable person, to be aware of being in relation, and it requires some reciprocity. In another scene, a caring attitude focuses on attitudes rather than relationships requires empathy, and "involves respect for the wishes of or for what is distinctive about the other". Caring relationships require that time and attention, are devoted to establishing intimacy, for without those we will not know what is distinctive about the other.
Since the requirements of a caring relationship go beyond the fact that care has been given, we may take care of somebody by assuming the responsibility of ensuring that someone is found to meet their needs, provide direct care for children, or acknowledge care received, all without being in a caring relationship.
In summary, a caring relationship requires that both parties are aware of one another as particular individuals, that some time is spent together in order to develop that awareness and that each person is willing to be vulnerable enough to disclose their particular characteristics to the other. Caring relationships also involve some reciprocity. Does this mean they can only occur between people who are equals and equally devoted to meeting one another's needs? This means that both argue in favor of recognizing that reciprocity need not be symmetrical or between equals. A young person, who does not understand and discuss the content of having children should not get involve with having children because it requires mutual respect and mutual recognition, and that each party must "acknowledge that the others are ends in themselves and not means only". Considers ultimately rejects the suggestion that "each partner must pay attention to each other, and to the child or children needs” Because young children are limited in their ability to discuss needs and ideas in ways that agree. Children and their parents need to be aware of one another's interests, but this does not mean that children need to be able to articulate their needs. To conclude children are very precious to us, we need to give them all necessary attentions and satifitions.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Routine, expectation and adventure

This year offers an extra 24 hours on Sundays, and a chance to enjoy the extra time I've occasionally whined for. Now the question is, "how wisely will I spend it?"
Unfortunately by now, most of us have booked Sunday on the calendar like any other Sunday with activities. These may be organized by cleaning up, going to church, shopping, wishing some sport channel and reading to get prepare for classes on Monday.
If you're kid-less, you are you are right on track like me, because your routine probably be set as you expect it to be. the one above, substituting "kids" and "sports" with the words "work" and "more work makes your days long with out a set or basic routine.
Sunday is the only day I have to catch up on clutter and chaos, I have planned my day around organizing dust animals, paying bills or trying to find the best I can do things like assignments, read and get ready for classes on Monday. Before I realize how late it is, it will be time to fix dinner, eat, clean dishes and get ready to begin another day.
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? If not, you are finished with this column and you may move on to the comics or sports pages because you are a well-balanced individual who sees no point to what I'm saying. In fact, I'm probably gracing the bottom of your birdcage already.
However, if you are thinking: "Yes. I know. You are so right. Wow! you have read my mind. I can't believe you doesn't have me an own talk show," then please continue.
There's no intended preaching here, rather a subtle wake-up call suggesting you might grasp the 24 extra hours this year and turn it into something special rather than clubbing and drinking. It's kind of changing.

Remember your expectation is confident belief or strong hopes that are particular events of life. Many of us students today have a high expectation of doing well in all of our classes. Our family members, friends, and parents also depend on us to make them pride in days and years to come. Even though life is full of temptations, and surprises, we have to living up to certain stander and expectation to deal with life. Some of the standard that are needed by me on a day to day basic are going to my classes on time, reading my notes, and making grades that are required by my institution, and also help keep up my financial Aid until I earn my degrees. The greatest expectation in life is successes.
When you have been successful in life through your hard work; you can go on adventured in so many countries to explore the goodies of life. Life becomes fun for you that ways, because you don’t have too many stresses on your mind, as it have being with you in college or high school. You are visiting other countries, learning lot of cultures and experiencing a new style of life. Adventures are great because out there, you get to know a lot of people and developed a sense of how other countries looks. Fun, fun, adventure is fun and experience.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Names come in so many ways; some parents name their kids after some good family friends, or give them names of their later mother or later father. For me I got my name Juah from my later grand mother, she did name me after her mother, and my dad name my sweetie. My dads name me sweetie because he said I am the sweetest child he ever had.
I love the name sweetie and decided to use it for school, but as I grew bigger, my friends took it out content and had a lot of different ways of calling me, and also had a lot of interoperations to my name. this had me discourage to the extend that I decided, to change my school name by using Sweetie as my middle name, and used Juah as my first name.

Some parents give names to their kids, by combining both parents’ names, I also think that is a good idea. I have this friend who got her name from her both parents, her name is Oralee. Her mom name is Ora, and her dad name is Lee. They combine their names and named her after them. What a wonderful ways to give names to kids.

Some people think their names are not pleasant for the ears, and decide to change it, or add more beauties to their names. This happens in the African setting most of the time. I am saying this, because some Africans names are very hard to pronounce and most of the African kids change their names when they leave Africa and travel to the western world. For example if your parents named you Oweniyou, entering the western world, you feel that Oweniyou is so long and hard to pronounce, you will think of something shorter that sounds like your name, and add more beauties to it by saying my name is Owen. Well people will prefer Owen to Oweniyou in the western world, because that’s the shortest ways to you long name and it sounds more pleasant to the ears ,this is some of the reasons people change their names.

Most of the times people have issue with others names; they always said they hate the name. Like the name Maverick, a lot of people dislike this name; they feel that this name is sucks. Some say the name Maverick makes them feel like a movies top gum, other feel the name sound very stupid, and should be use only as a first name and not last name. But I personally feel that every name have a meaning and the name Maverick is a nice name. For me I feel names are names, and the best names to give kids are biblical names, because I feel names also have impact on kids, it is good to bring kids up in a God fearing ways, and the name given to them should also have impact in their lives by helping them behaved like the person they were name after in the bible.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

walking life

Walking life

Dreaming is defined as the subjective experience of imaginary images, sounds, voices, thoughts or sensations during sleep. Dreams represent a world of imagery in which our darkest fears, deepest secrets, and most passionate fantasies break out from the unconscious mind and only at this time become present to our own consciousness. There are several key questions that need to be addressed; for instance, "Why do we dream? What do dreams mean? And, where do dreams come from?" The answers to these questions are not that simple.Dreaming usually occurs in the movement of eye during sleep, in which brain activity is high and signaled by rapid horizontal movements of the eyes. Sometimes dreams occur during the other stages of sleep; however, these are much less memorable and less clear. They can sometimes last for a few seconds, or as long as twenty minutes. Dreams are a symbol and link to the inner core of the human subconscious. They can vary from normal and mundane, to surreal and bizarre. Dreams can often times bring creative thought, or provoke a sense of thing that might happen to you. dream is not destiny,dreams are just thoughts that comes to the is not true.

I personally agreed with density been truth because it is something that is destine by God ,that will happen to you in the future, or that has happen to you before. Destiny is like keeping a unique place ever in life. It is a powerful belief which can never be giving away so easily. When you are destine to do a particular job, no matter how long, or how many years go by, you will do that job.
In order for humans to fulfilled God ordained destiny on earth, you need to be courageous, have the ability, passion, strength, and weakness. Having courage you should always encourage your self by saying I can what ever is right for me to do.
Do learn to be a weakness ahead of you, always put you energy and the ability to work and put weakness away. Learn to be positive in what ever goals you decide to reach .with these things at the back of your mind, and by the help of God your destiny will come true. It is good to fellow your destiny order than dreaming about things that will not come to pass.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I believed you are sitting some where looking at the beauties of life. There are many hills, mountias, and animals around you, you are listing to the beautiful and loud sounds of drums while others are dancing and taking in a lot of Alcohol, this place is called Africa. You did not go to Africa for merry making, but yet you are having fun. You went to Africa for a special purpose, and this purposed is too carried out some research, and to complete your book. You are thinking of your book being one of the best, due to this you are doing the best you can to come out with some great ideas.

Some of the great ideas that will be found in your book are some of the good experience you are having in Africa, like the weather, you are wearing what ever you feels like because the weather is very nice and normal you don’t worry about wearing winter jacket when going out. Another thing is the jungle and animals; you are looking at animals like elephant, lion tiger, the French monkey stirring at you while you passed them in the jungle. I guess these are some of the research that you are carried out in Africa.

I guess you also having fun with the African ways of life, the ways they welcome strangers by offering the strangers’ cola nut, which is so much fun for you to see. That is the Africans ways of life, there are so much that you will see, like one man marry to four woman, girls gets marry at age fourteen and so on, those are all the so called traditions, one good advise I have for you is staying in Africa to write your book is good and very interesting, but stay away from the African man wives, the African man can do what ever pleases him when it comes to his wives with in a second.

Have fun and enjoy the beaches and the natural resources of Africa .have a save and nice trip back to America. Hope your writing has impact and improves people life style when they read your stories.

Friday, January 25, 2008


When you are thinking about doing a good writing the are certain thing you might want to consider. Some of the things may be considering your audience, put your self in the shoe of the readers and focus on how the reader will learn or benefit from your information or understand your request. Use words familiar to your readers and avoid unnecessary confusing words.

Another thing is to be clear to the point, say what you mean as clear as can. Don’t say for example “she” whom are you referring to when you say “she” you need to use specific characters names to make your readers understand what or whom you are referring to in your writing. Your goal as a good writer is sent the message across the best ways you can to make your readers understand and get a complete idea about your writing.

Accuracy and completeness counts a lot to your credibility of being a good writer. Include all details not more or less and do not repeat ideas. Adopt a tone in your writing; learn to use simple words, simple words are the best way to get your readers attention or to send your messages across. Don’t use a sentence like “rules are broken.” the reader will get confused and wonder which rules the writer is speaking about. Use a complete sentence that makes scene to you the writer and the reader.
Avoid the uses of short words when writing and make sure your words are spelled out correctly. Do not writer like you are writing on face book, my space, yahoo mail, or when you are charting. This style of writing is very inappropriate and may some time confuse your readers. Another style of good writing is to know how to position your marks, such as commands, periods, and so on. Learn to be creative in doing your writing, write in a way that your readers would enjoy what they are reading and be more encourage reading. Writing is very hard to do, when you are not following the rules, rules are very important in writing, without rules writing are a big mess. Always learn to prove read after writing, and make sure it makes scene to you and your readers.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This clip helps me understand how technology works, To be presides the Computer/Technology Standards of Learning identify and define the progressive development of essential knowledge and skills necessary for students to access, evaluate, use and create information using technology. They provide a framework for technology literacy and demonstrate a progression from physical manipulation skills for the use of technology, to intellectual skills necessary for information use, to skills needed for working responsibly and productively within groups. Computer/technology proficiency is not an end in itself, but lays the foundation for continuous learning. The focus is on learning using technology rather than learning about technology. Computer technology offer a lot of programs students can learned and have a better job with some company or used to get resources immediately.

Some things I did not know,I learn them from computer technology, such as sending emails,doing research online, and so on. Technology also helps me understand some problems that the world is face with, And present real world in formations and examples that illustrate how to have courage,and to bet on new ideas, and also act on opportunities when it dose comes your ways. Technology brings a level of understanding and professionalism among working class people,and even possesses a special speed and operation in businesses which relates to costumers and personal jobs experience.