Thursday, February 21, 2008


Net work is an interesting movie; it was made 30 years ago and perfectly describes the situations and issued surrounding the televisions, news, and media today. I felt bad over the fact and idea that Howard had die,due to the fact that he could not performed his madness correctly to keep U.B.S station in the money making business. In this movie Howard is describe as the mad prophet of the air ways, even though he’s describes as the mad prophet, I describe him as a mad dog of the of the airways in this movie, because he did perform some of the mad things by making television viewers to put their heads out the window and shout I’ am not going to take this anymore!!!!!!! .another mad ass thing he did was to go on national television and say he was going to kill his self because he could not live with out broadcasting. I also think he treated his self like a bitch; if he had listened to his friend (Max) earlier he would not find his self in such situation. All Howard wanted was to be seen on national television, and also continue be part of networking business, he did not understand he was sick, old, and needed medical attention. He allow Diana to used him as a bitch and obtain her goals. All Diana thought of was being at the top of the networking business, she was not capable enough to create a simple intimacy between she and her partner, she was one of those ladies who make love like a chicken and climax like a duck, what a bitch and the half she is. Even though she was a bitch, Max still love her and decided leave his family and be with her, so bad he had to leave his family for such a pushing bitch, he did realize her disgusting attitude and decided to go home and be with his depressed red headed wife .that was so nice of him, what a nice way of saying good bye to nonsense life. I think I like that one, that was cool though.

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