Sunday, February 10, 2008

Routine, expectation and adventure

This year offers an extra 24 hours on Sundays, and a chance to enjoy the extra time I've occasionally whined for. Now the question is, "how wisely will I spend it?"
Unfortunately by now, most of us have booked Sunday on the calendar like any other Sunday with activities. These may be organized by cleaning up, going to church, shopping, wishing some sport channel and reading to get prepare for classes on Monday.
If you're kid-less, you are you are right on track like me, because your routine probably be set as you expect it to be. the one above, substituting "kids" and "sports" with the words "work" and "more work makes your days long with out a set or basic routine.
Sunday is the only day I have to catch up on clutter and chaos, I have planned my day around organizing dust animals, paying bills or trying to find the best I can do things like assignments, read and get ready for classes on Monday. Before I realize how late it is, it will be time to fix dinner, eat, clean dishes and get ready to begin another day.
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? If not, you are finished with this column and you may move on to the comics or sports pages because you are a well-balanced individual who sees no point to what I'm saying. In fact, I'm probably gracing the bottom of your birdcage already.
However, if you are thinking: "Yes. I know. You are so right. Wow! you have read my mind. I can't believe you doesn't have me an own talk show," then please continue.
There's no intended preaching here, rather a subtle wake-up call suggesting you might grasp the 24 extra hours this year and turn it into something special rather than clubbing and drinking. It's kind of changing.

Remember your expectation is confident belief or strong hopes that are particular events of life. Many of us students today have a high expectation of doing well in all of our classes. Our family members, friends, and parents also depend on us to make them pride in days and years to come. Even though life is full of temptations, and surprises, we have to living up to certain stander and expectation to deal with life. Some of the standard that are needed by me on a day to day basic are going to my classes on time, reading my notes, and making grades that are required by my institution, and also help keep up my financial Aid until I earn my degrees. The greatest expectation in life is successes.
When you have been successful in life through your hard work; you can go on adventured in so many countries to explore the goodies of life. Life becomes fun for you that ways, because you don’t have too many stresses on your mind, as it have being with you in college or high school. You are visiting other countries, learning lot of cultures and experiencing a new style of life. Adventures are great because out there, you get to know a lot of people and developed a sense of how other countries looks. Fun, fun, adventure is fun and experience.

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