Friday, March 14, 2008

The spring break

I am choosing spending my spring break in Blaine medical hospital, in Blaine , Minnesota as volunteer worker. My friends find that to be very stupid of me but I think I like what I am doing.
One of things that encourage me to work voluntarily is, I love helping those in need most especially the sick people. When I got accepted to do this job over the spring break, I was very excited over the fact that I will be the to help some one who really needs help. “It’s a lot better experience and a lot more meaning in my life than the merry making with friends.
The medical center also serves as an eye-opener to my career, because I am a nursing student, and this volunteer job will help give me a broad knowledge on what I am going into for life.
“This is actually my first time working in such facility “I've never done anything like this.” Working in medical center and also joining other nurses in the neighborhoods as part of a Homeless Coalition program called Spring Serves, which is intended to smash stereotypes and educate students.
Nine of us undergraduates interact with some of the 1,400 homeless people in the area, and we also learned more than 400 of them are children. We also learned that
So many people are born into homelessness, “through a workshop held by the Homeless Coalition. “It's not a decision they necessarily make.”
We the students also work at soup kitchen on Tuesday, and serve more than 150 people that day, and they said the experience would change them. One of the students (Janet) said “It’s been extremely humbling, you know, leaving your home, friends and having really good time in the morning by helping needed people. She feels really comfortable about that. I had fun doing this job also; I met a lot of new friends and got an opportunity to work with other students when ever I am on a brake, what a nice thing to do. I am so excited about that.
Wow, wow fun is over, getting ready for school on Monday, this is the hardest part, because I have a lot of assignment to do, this dose not sound like fun anymore fun is over.hope other students had fun as I did, and getting into trouble .life is so sweet to mess around with.

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