Monday, February 18, 2008

My favorite movies channel is the life time movies net work

The life time movies channel is an American television devoted to movies, sitcoms and drama. All of which are either geared toward women or feature women in lead roles. The network is owned by The Walt Disney Company and Hearst Corporation.

Lifetime was established as the result of a merger of Hearst's Daytime network, established in March 1982 as a four hour per day service with women's programming and Viacom's Cable Health Network, established in June 1982 as a 24-hour service that carried health and wellness programming.

I personally felt in love with the life time movies network when I saw this one movie “when Andrew came home,” this is all about separated parents and their kids how the kids do respond to the separation of their parents.
In this movie Andrew mom and dad separated and his mom felt in love with some guy when he was a kid. His dad normally picks him up during the week-ends to spend some time with him. But as days went by, Andrew dad thought of a new idea, the idea was to take Andrew away from his mom and run away with him to another country. His planed did work out, he ran away with Andrew when he pick him up on that week end and ran away with him. He took little Andrew and did not sent him to school, all he did was to beat on him, and sexually abuse him all the days of his life. As he grew up, all he knew was to be somber kid and never had a mind as kids because of what he went through with his dad. After some years of ill-treatment with his dad, his dad decided to call his mom on an unknown and ask her to pick her son up from the bus station. When she got at the station she never made Andrew up because of his bad looks she sobs bitterly and took him for medical attention.
When Andrew got home he was down hearted, and blame his mom for what ever occurrences in his life, he said his mom could have went the extra miles to find him other than letting him go through what he went through with his dad. His moms plead with him and ask him to forgive her. When I saw this movie, I felt so hurt and sorry that tears ran off my eyes. It is because of this movie that I find comfort in life time movies network. Life time network serve as a guide and adviser for because most of the movies show on life time network help ladies to be smart in what ever decision they are take or planning on taking. This network also helps release me from stress and tension in my daily activity and helps me to relax well.
The best time I find pleasure watching this station is at night, when I am done with my school work and need my mind to relaxed or get my self from thinking on unnecessary things .
life time network is always about situations that woman goes through with man ,it helps you be very careful with man and how to deal with situation that come your ways and try to break you down.

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